Have you trademarked your business name?

Have you trademarked your business name yet?

A trademark is a word, slogan, symbol, or design (for example, a brand name or logo) a person or company uses to distinguish their products or services from those offered by others. A trademark is protectable when it’s used in a distinctive way to identify a product or service. Trademark is visible, whether in stores shopping, watching commercials on TV, and so on. Generally, trademarks seek to protect consumers from being confused about who provides, endorses, or is affiliated with a particular product or service.

Trademarking for a business is key in order to protect the brand from others using the name in a way which may mislead one’s business. It also offers uniqueness and protection to the business brand.

The business mission works with clients to secure the trademarking for their client’s business. Is secured. Whether you are starting a new business or it’s an existing business, trademarking is key to ensuring the safety of your business brand.

To learn more about how to Trademark your business, click here.